Friday, January 15, 2010

NBC's Must See TV

I've never been much of a Conan fan, and even less so a Leno fan.  But I know when someone's getting f'ed over.  I watched Conan's Wednesday show online and he's certainly gotten some good material out of getting fired, and he still has the show for a few more nights to stick his finger in NBC honcho Jeff Zucker's eye.

Conan's best line:  "Kids, you can grow up to do anything you want to.  Unless Jay Leno wants it too."

Letterman, who I think is genuinely funny but lost my support with his sleazy behavior and on-air victimhood, is now cleaning up in the 11:35 pm time slot.  Will Leno get the audience back after being a spoiler?  I doubt it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leno will do just fine. And he's funnier than Letterman whose frat-boy humor fizzled long ago. But I think he did well PR-wise in clearing smoke over his shameful infidelities - what would you have suggested? Tim