Monday, November 29, 2010

All the lonely people

Roger Ebert, the movie critic, is also a blogger.  He's good at both.

A recent post - All the lonely people - personally and eloquently explores how the internet can bridge loneliness.  To quote:
"When I was a child the mailman came once a day. Now the mail arrives every moment. I used to believe it was preposterous that people could fall in love online. Now I see that all relationships are virtual, even those that take place in person. Whether we use our bodies or a keyboard, it all comes down to two minds crying out from their solitude."

1 comment:

Wanton Wordsmith said...

So true! I used to turn my nose up at online friendships or romance. Now I realize that is now the way of the world. Your quote, "two people seeking outside their solitude" struck a nerve with me. I do not want to be another Elanor Rigby. Nor do any of us.
Great Post!