Sunday, April 17, 2011

Got Drugs?

A rash of home break ins in the historic whaling town of Edgartown on Martha's Vineyard have been committed for the sole purpose of stealing prescription painkillers.  Since first reported, four more houses have been burgled for pills, bringing the total to 16.
"Edgartown Police said seven break-ins, five within the last week, had one characteristic in common. The thief or thieves were looking for only pills.
"Edgartown Police detective Chris Dolby said police are investigating housebreaks all over town. In all but one case, the thieves gained entry by smashing a window or a door during the day, when homeowners were away or at work.

" 'The perpetrators are looking for pills,' Detective Dolby said. 'They are going into these homes. They are going right to the medicine cabinets and kitchen cabinets for pills. No valuables have been taken to date.'

"Detective Dolby called the thieves 'brazen.' "
One of the homeowners wrote this letter to the editor of The Martha's Vineyard Times, offering the thieves a way to get their own prescription painkillers.
To the Editor:
This March, in Edgartown, a half-dozen houses were broken into. While my wife and I were in Costa Rica on vacation, mine was one of them.

The burglar used an axe from my garage to smash my front door ($1,000 deductible . . . oy vey).
They entered, looking for script drugs, but found none.  I have to ask, how did you know of my recent back surgery?
Anyway, I recently received 30 Demerol, great street-value, and placed them in the medicine cabinet on the first floor. No need to break in since we leave the house unlocked. My wife and I work 8–4, Monday through Friday.
Oh, by the way, when we were away so was our pet. He was up at my daughter's house, but he's home now. He's a 125-lb., alpha-male Akita that hates strangers. Just a warning: he's trained to bark once then go for the gonads.
Best of luck.
Dave Alton, Edgartown

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