Saturday, April 19, 2014

Riding a bike

I remember learning to ride a bike. First there were training wheels, which came off after a couple of days. Then came that sudden and liberating feeling when momentum and balance came together - I was riding on my own. Our house was in a neighborhood with a long flat road, and near the far end it became a horseshoe with an adjoining road with a steep hill. I mustered the courage to ride down the hill, picked up speed, and saw traffic whizzing by at the bottom. In a panic, I forgot to slow down with the foot brakes. As I neared the bottom, I made a hard left turn into the last driveway, hit the asphalt curb and went head over heels over the handlebars onto the front lawn, pride shaken but not broken. I got back on.

Watching this video brought those downhill memories back. Whoa.

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