Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Alpha Males

The post-Murdoch era at The Wall Street Journal continues to surprise me.  Who, exactly, is the target of this article titled "Are Alpha Males Healthy?" And, if there is a readership, beyond a sad sack beta like me, will alpha males change?

An excerpt:
"One evening a week, a group of CEOs meets in a Manhattan psychiatrist's office and engages in an ancient ritual. Ostensibly, it is a support group. Inevitably, it becomes a battle for dominance.
'Whenever you put alpha males together, the most aggressive will overpower the others,' says T. Byram Karasu, the veteran psychiatrist who has run the sessions for the past 23 years. The fighting is subtle, but it's vicious. 'Even giving advice is geared toward lowering the others' self-esteem. Those at the lower end of the group come away doubting themselves, and their testosterone falls. They tell me they can't have sex for three or four days afterward.' "
And Obama wants to tax them more for their corporate jets.  Life isn't fair, any baboon can tell you that.

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