Wednesday, September 21, 2011

%&#$ You, Buddy!

Driving is one of the great urban experiences of living in or near a major city.  Despite the many benefits of the trains and subways, I still prefer to drive to New York City, and will this Friday for the Yankees-Red Sox game in the Bronx.

IBM just released the company's annual "commuter pain index" comprised of ten issues: 1) commuting time, 2) time stuck in traffic, agreement that: 3) price of gas is already too high, 4) traffic has gotten worse, 5) start-stop traffic is a problem, 6) driving causes stress, 7) driving causes anger, 8) traffic affects work, 9) traffic so bad driving stopped, and 10) decided not to make trip due to traffic.

New York City fared pretty well.  Then again, there's always the suburbs.

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