Sunday, October 2, 2011

It is high, it is far . . .

It is gone!

Fun article from The New York Times (with multimedia features) about John Sterling, the radio announcer of the New York Yankees.  I did not know there are blogs dedicated to dissing the guy.  Like most things about the Yankees, you either love 'em or hate 'em.  Count me among the cosmic community.

Excerpt here:
"There is no more polarizing figure in New York sports broadcasting than the idiosyncratic and eccentric Sterling. His home run calls — “An A-bomb from A-Rod” or “Robbie Cano, don’t you know” — are cultural references that will permanently mark this latest era of Yankees success. He is unquestionably popular among the cosmic community of Yankees fans, his presence entering or exiting Yankee Stadium causing the same commotion as most players’. The ratings for Yankees radio broadcasts are strong. The team’s management and players routinely and unwaveringly praise him."

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Count me among those who find him...awful.

And not because of his silly schtick. The cutesy home run calls are a bit embarrassing, but harmless. No, I can't stand him because he doesn't pay attention to the game, doesn't appreciate the subtleties, and is rarely prepared beyond a cursory reading of the press pack.