Saturday, September 26, 2009

Target Iran

Is there any doubt Iran's nuclear program is for military purposes?  Though Ahmadinejad continues to call Iran's program peaceful, his belligerence as a Holocaust denier and oft-made threats to "wipe Israel off the map" suggest otherwise.  Now the world knows  - Iran is hellbent on developing and deploying nuclear warheads.

So what's next?  More speeches, hand-wringing and toothless sanctions?  Was Obama's capitulation to Russia on missile defenses in the Czech Republic and Poland a pretext for Russia's UN Security Council cooperation (read no use of its permanent member veto) for action against Iran?   Israel went it alone in 1981 with Operation Opera destroying Iraq's French-built reactor at Osirak.  The UN, including the U.S., condemned them, but all heaved a great sigh of relief.

And why does Iran need "peaceful nuclear energy" in the first place?  Their sand sits on some of the world's largest oil reserves. But why waste your own oil generating electricity when a nuclear plant can produce it far cheaper and cleaner? Can't argue with that logic. Unless the real goal is enriched weapons-grade plutonium. 

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