Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Columbia University's Newest Class

Columbia University is offering a new class this semester: Occupy the Field: Global Finance, Inequality, Social Movement, taught by Hannah Appel.   Columbia's course listing says "dissenting voices of all kinds are encouraged" . . . with registration by instructor's permission only.  Field trips to Zuccotti Park are planned. 
"ANTH V3897y Occupy the Field: Global Finance, Inequality, Social Movement 4 pts.  Hannah Appel. Occupy the Field is a field-based course about Occupy Wall Street and the Occupy Movement more broadly. The course offers training in ethnographic research methods alongside a critical exploration of the conjunctural issues in the Occupy movement: Wall Street, finance capital, and inequality; political strategies, property and public space, and the question of anarchy; and genealogies of the contemporary moment in global social movements. Class time will be divided between fieldwork in an around the Occupy movement, and seminar at Columbia. In other words, this class will meet off-campus several times, and students will be expected to be involved in ongoing OWS projects, to be discussed in class. While the syllabus draws extensively on ethnographic and anthropological work, it is also broadly interdisciplinary, incorporating texts and approaches from sociology, political theory, economics, history, and primary source material from OWS and beyond. The class will also incorporate guest lecturers from Columbia and the wider intellectual and activist community. Dissenting voices of all kinds are encouraged in this class, and one need not have a particular orientation toward OWS to participate. REGISTRATION BY INSTRUCTOR'S PERMISSION ONLY"
May we suggest spending time instead with our members of Congress where the odds of meeting the 1% are even higher?

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