Saturday, January 21, 2012


Get ready for another onslaught of unwelcome election year political ads, direct mail, robocalls, opinion surveys and knocks at your door.  It's barely begun, but I'm already sick of it.  Yeah, I know, the stakes have never been higher, but it's a death of a thousand cuts and election day is more than ten months away.

Obama's reelection advertising is already running, defending his, um, record. No doubt negative advertising will find a new bottom.

Remember Teamster president Hoffa's SOBs remark at an Obama rally last Memorial Day?  Well, SOBs appear to be a plank in Obama's 2012 "politics of greed" platform.

Secretive oil billionaires?



Al Bellenchia said...

Love the dryer pic. Classic. Insert blowhard of your choice.

Beck said...

I keep thinking how nice it would be to take money out of the equation.