Friday, March 26, 2010

Booby Trap

I guess it was only a matter of time.  Remember Vanessa, the exploding fembot in Austin Powers?

Well, Britain's intelligence service, MI5, reports that terrorists are now using exploding breast implants.  Via The Sun:
 "The shocking new al-Qaeda tactic involves radical doctors inserting the explosives in women's breasts during plastic surgery — making them 'virtually impossible to detect by the usual airport scanning machines.'

"It is believed the doctors have been trained at some of Britain's leading teaching hospitals before returning to their own countries to perform the surgical procedures.

"MI5 has also discovered that extremists are inserting the explosives into the buttocks of some male suicide bombers."

1 comment:

Ari said...

Well, becoming a bombshell overnight may be a symptom of self destructive behavior.