Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Virtual Museum Going

Pope Benedict's been in the news a lot lately.  And it's deservedly ugly.

But all's not lost.  It never is, and Easter and the Resurrection are good and timely reminders.  Which leads me to . . .

I recall some years ago an argument an environmentalist made against plans to dam a river to produce hydroelectric power and address farm land irrigation needs.  The essence of the argument was that damming the river was the equivalent of flooding the Sistine Chapel to improve the view of Michelangelo's ceiling work, including its iconic image of the hand of God giving life to Adam.

Well, no flooding required. Thanks to the Vatican's web site and virtual web viewer you can explore every square foot of the chapel, floor to ceiling.  It's miraculous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is truly beautiful.