Monday, August 31, 2009

A dynasty?

The extent and nature of the media coverage of Ted Kennedy's funeral over the weekend was long and fawning.  But was it really about dynasty as many have written?

It's clear the funeral plans were made well ahead of time to ensure Ted got as close to the Presidential treatment as possible.  More cleverly, it was engineered as a prime time greasing of the American public to put on rose-colored glasses and rally behind what may soon be called the Kennedy Healthcare Bill.  When Kennedy threw his support to Obama last year in Iowa he changed the trajectory of the campaign, channeled money and endorsements, checkmated Hillary, and anointed Obama as the nominee.  Obama & Co know this and that they should never miss a chance to exploit a good death.

Fortunately, some saner heads prevailed in print.

Andrew Sullivan's "Tainted, flawed and the maker of a president" from The Times of London.

Howie Carr's "Ted Kennedy’s legacy not as heroic as some might think" from the Boston Globe.


Anonymous said...

Okay Noepe, So your endless jealously of all things Democratic endures.

You have nothing whatsoever to do with the Kennedy stop the moaning and groaning. His long life is over. He admitted his sins. Can't you forgive him?

Also, if you had completely read your columnist's example in The Times of London to its very end, you would have seen that Andrew Sullivan closes with a tip of his his hat in honor to Ted Kennedy.

**** said...

I read the entire article. If you're going to comment, please identify yourself.

Unknown said...

After spending most of the week channel flipping, it was a relief to hear O'Reilly's (Fox) take amongst some others. The man was human, certainly not a deity in any form. Most of his proposals were disastrous in scope. No jealousy here, just a shake of the head.

Ruth Lapin said... have to be kidding! Forgive a murderer? What if it was your own daughter left to suffocate for 6 or seven hours in a car under water, driven by a drunk?

Ruth Lapin said...

And I may add...left her for dead. No, I don't forgive murderers. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with jealousy.